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Please provide your Specialist Anaesthetist with all the information relevant to your health and current medications.

The anaesthetic procedure will be explained and you should discuss any questions or concerns you have.

Coastal Anaesthesia Providers Sunshine Coast

Preparing for your Procedure

BRING an up-to-date medication list to hospital with you, or bring your medications with you if you prefer. It is very important that your Anaesthetist knows which medications you are taking.

TELL your Anaesthetist if you have any medication allergies.

TAKE YOUR REGULAR MEDICATIONS unless you have been specifically asked to stop taking it by the Surgeon or Admissions Nurse (e.g. blood-thinning tablets or diabetes treatments). Take all your usual tablets and inhalers early on the day of surgery (with a small amount of water if you wish), even if you are otherwise fasting.

IS FASTING REALLY NECESSARY?  Although it is not pleasant going without food and drink, fasting before any anaesthetic is a MUST. Food or fluid in the stomach may regurgitate and be inhaled while you are unconscious which is VERY dangerous. You will be given instructions by your Surgeon or the hospital about when to start fasting. Please follow these instructions.

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